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What to Do if Your Edibles Melt This Summer
or cannabis enthusiasts, THC gummies, goodies, and edible treats are often the top choice — and it's easy to see why! They offer longer-lasting highs, no worries about lingering smells, and they're downright delicious... well, almost always. While edibles are usually the perfect snack, summer poses a challenge as rising temperatures can lead to a melted cannabis-infused mess. Dealing with the aftermath of a melted edible can be a hassle, but the burning question remains: Are your melted edibles still safe to consume?
Are Melted Edibles... Edible?
Absolutely! Whether your edibles have melted during delivery or due to accidental exposure to high temperatures, there’s usually no cause for concern. This applies to both CBD and THC gummies, hard candies, and often chocolates, even if they’ve melted and solidified multiple times.
In fact, it’s quite normal for edible treats to melt during delivery, even if you end up with a puddle of liquefied cannabis-infused gelatin at your doorstep. This is particularly true if you purchase your edibles and cannabis treats from reputable and trusted online dispensaries like Bud Lab. It’s actually a positive sign and indicative of the product’s high quality!
However, if you stumble upon an old bag of melted edibles that has been sitting in a warm area for several weeks, it’s best to refrain from consuming them — for reasons unrelated to their THC content.

Will the Quality
of THC be Affected?
If your gummies are being delivered in warmer temperatures, you might actually prefer them to melt. Allow us to explain!
When your gummies are delivered in warmer temperatures and melt, it can be advantageous. The melting occurs due to their high THC and gelatin content. In contrast, lower-quality edibles that retain their shape in warmer conditions often contain undesirable additives and fillers. Therefore, melted gummies indicate a purer product with a higher concentration of THC, providing a more authentic cannabis experience.
Allowing the gummies to melt embraces the natural characteristics of cannabis-infused products. It ensures even distribution of cannabinoids, including THC, throughout the gummy, enhancing flavor and providing an enjoyable consumption experience. Embrace the melting process as a reassurance of a higher-quality, unadulterated edible, and indulge in the pure goodness of cannabis.
What About the
Potency of the THC in my Edibles?
The overall potency of your melted gummies and hard candies should remain unaffected. In order for your melted edibles to lose their potency, the CBD and/or THC content would have to be exposed to extremely high temperatures. For example, if you receive a bag of Baroness Edibles that arrives as a congealed blob or a pool of liquid gummy, and then proceed to heat them in an oven at temperatures exceeding 300°F, you may encounter some issues.
What You Can
Do if Your Edibles Arrive Melted
If you receive your edibles in a melted state, the best course of action is to transfer them to a non-stick bowl or baking sheet and mix them thoroughly, instead of waiting for them to solidify. Though this may seem counterintuitive, mixing your melted edibles ensures that the THC is evenly distributed, avoiding concentrated doses in one bite.
During this process, it’s advisable to add a pinch of sugar. This not only imparts a touch of sweetness but also helps absorb any excess moisture from the edibles, keeping them fresh.

How to Safely
Consume Melted Edibles
Since the dosage of each edible is carefully calculated based on its original size and shape, it’s important to consume them safely and avoid ingesting an unintended higher dose. Here’s what you can do:
- Divide the congealed edibles into their original portion sizes to maintain similar THC content as the original.
- Store the edibles in a cool place away from heat to preserve their texture and flavor.
- Use an airtight or lockable container to extend their shelf life, rather than keeping them in their original packaging if it's covered in sticky residue.
- Individually wrap chocolates and soft candies (like caramel) to protect them from moisture and prevent them from sticking together if they melt again.
- Before indulging in your revamped edibles, start with a smaller portion than usual. This ensures the portions you cut are accurate and that the THC or CBD content has been evenly redistributed. If you don't feel any effects after about 45 minutes, you can consider consuming a larger portion.
If your edibles melt, congeal, and even melt again, there’s generally no cause for concern. In fact, it’s an indication that your edibles are of high quality! Simply remember to redivide them into their original portions and store them properly to avoid further accidents. Whether you’re a newcomer to the cannabis community or a seasoned veteran, be sure to explore our other articles for more cannabis tips and the latest news in the world of cannabis!